NaPoWriMo: Lines

on the lines,
they said.

But lines
lines are a funny thing.

Moving fast

When at the fair
you try to avoid
the long ones are a waste of time
but the longest of all,

might be worth the wait.

So, you start at the end
and wait
and wait.

Lines are a funny thing.

You highlight them
and repeat them aloud
’til in your memory
they are easily found.
But just before the final show
they decide to change them
ever so.

Lines are
a funny thing.

Sometimes you draw a line
to separate the right
from wrong
but sometimes
it’s just a fine line
between standing up for yourself
and hurting someone else.

At times, we blur the lines
between fact
and fiction
like when we enhance the catch
to feed the whole room
or relive a moment
that’s not quite our own
we assume the details
for story’s sake
but in turn, the tale
becomes ever so fake.

Lines are a funny thing.

We anticipate the front of the line
but we’re wary of being
on theĀ front line.

Sometimes kids get out of line,
like when they swear at mom
because she said they need some time
off line.

Lines are a funny thing.

But, sometimes lines aren’t so funny.
Like the lines of work that seem to be known
for the power-thirsty bosses
get off the hook
when they cross the line
after time.

Perhaps, someone needs to
drop them a line
and let them know,

Time’s Up.