NaPoWriMo: Let’s Play

“Zoom, zoom”
Oh no,
they go “Vroom, Vroom.”
As they zoom
across the room.

No tracks, no roads,
just the hard wood floor
that sends
them flying into the wall.

Crash, bang, boom,
“Wee-ooo, Wee-ooo,”
comes the white and blue
to solve the crime
just in the nick of time.

But, we leave them a mess,
because oh goodness
it’s time for the barn house
animal dance.

“Moo, Moo”
and hullabaloo.
You dance too
to the cock-a-doodle-doo.

But, just before the baa baa blues,
we’re singing a new tune
that goes 3-2-1
ready or not,
here I come.

Searching high and low,
are you here or there,
No sign yet,
But I’ll find you somewhere.
Behind the couch,
No, in the tub,
caught in a crouch.

I found you!
I shout.
But you’re fast asleep
fully tuckered out.
so I carefully pick you up,
you open your eyes,
but I lay you in bed
and gently rub your head.

Tomorrow, we’ll twist and twirl
but it’s time to sleep baby girl.
I whisper, Good night little one,
We’ll wake with the rising sun.