NaPoWriMo: Audrey, Shirley & Sisu


I remember those old patterned scarves

you’d wrap around your head

covering your soft curls

when we piled in to your old station wagon

that sat low on the road with the flat bench seat

that I’d slide across when we sped

down the gravel drive,

past cold metal chickens

that still remind me of you.

But you

were everything but cold and hard.

You were my angel,

an aged Audrey

straight out of a movie.

But on the screen

you adored young Shirley,

who filled your book cases

with her innocent face andĀ golden locks.

You’d pull out those kiddie plastic chairs

and we’d get lost

in her silly song and dance

around the living room.

Your laugh was contagious

and smile, the most beautiful

one I’d seen.

Your gentle soul

warmed everything it touched.

And your warm cookies

would melt in my mouth.

The sweetest compliment

to the savory

pasties we’d buy from the station

down the road.

I’d trace the letters

crocheted on your fridge

and think of our old dog –

but now

when I see SISU

I only think of you

and I remind myself

of the hardships

you endured

and your gritty courage

that carried you to the finish.


I’ll take you in my heart

across the sea

to the home of our history.